National Teachers Month

 Teachers contributed a lot in our society. They are the one who develop the intellect of present and future generations. Without them, we may not have a bright future ahead of us and the world will fall to its demise. In order to avoid such downfall, we must learn to appreciate and honor their sacrifices by conducting the National Teachers Month Celebration annually.

Teachers marks a huge role in the development of children, they taught us how to read and write, how to be practical in our daily lives, and how to respect one another. Those teachings became my direction towards becoming a successful individual. They taught me indirectly the complexity and importance of living and the values within it which became my motivation in fulfilling my obligation as an individual of this country.

That is why i respect my teachers to the fullest, they may be strict sometimes but that only proves how much they care for our well-being. Even thou i didn't manage to fulfill their expectations this quarter, they were kind to me and was considerate of what I lack. They were also similar to my parents, they scold me when I misbehave and would give me some of their advice, they taught me a lot of things and most importantly, they were kind enough to wait and hear out my problems. I was really grateful about it that is why I want to share my gratitude towards all of the teachers around the world by telling you all a simple phrase, thank you very much for your hard work teachers! I really do appreciate your efforts!



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