My insights towards the lessons we learned during our ICT time

  I didn't manage to do well last quarter but I pushed my limits and was determined to do necessary action so that my grades would skyrocket! But it wasn't that easy, even if I try'd so hard, I couldn't manage to fullfil some of their expectations. However, I never gave up, I want to be someone I could be proud of that is why I exceeded my limits and continue to strive for the better.

     In this quarter, we learned how to code basic html tags that could help us in our growth as a student. At first, it was difficult for me to code because I always commit mistakes by misplacing the tags used in our activities. It was a rough time since I don't excel at tech-based activities and would often ask my teacher on how to do it properly.  But after a while, I get the hang of it and managed to do it properly and would help my seatmate John Paul whenever he is in need. But it doesn't change the fact that I was the one who corrupted our USB drive.....I swear! I didn't do it on purpose and I am awfully sorry.... I would accept any conpensation towards my misbehavior and I hope that all of you would forgive me.


   To be honest, this quarter was overall great because I did my best and I didn't regret anything. I enjoyed my time inside the classroom because there it's fun inside and chilling. I hope that I could do even better in the next quarter and I would be grateful if my grades now are not on the verge of dying. I manage to know Mrs. Evelyn and my classmates more and it was heart-warming to have them by my side.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your words are motivating me to do well.

  3. I saw how hard you worked so you deserve all that, keep it up my friend.

  4. We have the same mistake when you first try coding. For instance when you misplace tags I also do that and I also ask the teacher to check what I am doing.

  5. you did well, yuri. keep it up. i'm proud of you.

  6. Such an insightful lesson! ICT really is the backbone of modern innovation.

  7. as i read this post, i now know that you have learned a lot this 2nd quarter

  8. very demure and very mindful piece!

  9. Such an amazing experiences of yours, keep it up!

  10. Thank you for sharing your journey this second quarter, i hope to see more of this^^!

  11. Your reflection shows growth and determination, and it's inspiring to see how you turned challenges into learning opportunities while supporting your classmates.

  12. Glad to know that you learned a lot this quarter, keep up the good work!

  13. This quarter was really challenging and hard, but I'm grateful that we all survived and learned a lot !!

  14. I'm glad to know that you learned a lot about HTML tags this second quarter.Keep it up!

  15. That's nice to hear that you learned a lot this quarter!


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