Our teacher taught us so many things that we will probably use in the future. We were tasked to create a community-based research, I didn't expect that I would be the leader of our group which is why I provoked my team mates and ask them why they chose me to guide them. I realized that I am really capable which is why I committed myself to do my best for our group.

    During our research, several issues arrived which I managed to solve with the help of my team mates. I assigned them with separate tasks according to the capability of the individual. Whenever they are in need, I would assist them in fixing their anomaly's. I took the opportunity to showcase my ability as a student so that we could have our desired outcome. We sacrificed our skin, flesh and bones in order to complete the standards that the world pressured into us.


  Overall, my ability to command was greatly improved and I could now manage my time when doing a specific task that is necessary to be done. I grew as a independent individual and I am proud of what I become.





  1. What a wonderful experience! I hope you will further acquire more improvements with your leadership skills!

  2. I'm glad that you've passed all the challenges that you've faced throughout this quarter.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your assigned obligation, you're indeed a great leader.

  4. What a Wonderful experience! I hope you've passed through this challenges that u face this passed quarter. Keep the good work and improved you skills!!!

  5. Thank you Jiro for sharing your experiences with us. I hope you'll do great more on the future. Keep up the good work!

  6. Glad to know that we all have learned a lot this quarter.


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