

        T here's no life in someone's soul if they were to deny affection from others. It's necessary for all of us to express love within every single moment of our lives because loving someone brings hope to individuals who may needed it most. However, you must learn how to love yourself before you can start romanticizing others. Because you are better off alone rather than to make awful mistakes from your incapability to properly love a person who probably loved you too, causing both of you to be hurt during the process. Love can be described by a lot of words depending on the experience of an individual. It could be something endearing, sweet and very delicate. But for others, it might just be a waste of time, distraction and a memory that sabotages their whole lives. Which is why you must know who to give your love because your worth is not compatible with everyone. If its one-sided, you must know your limitations and end your delusions that will never ever...


 Chinese New Year was a significant event because of its popularity around the world. It became well-known and enjoyed by millions due to its bright and colorful display of Chinese-related items. The moment the firework show begun, all the evil spirits will perish due to its loud bang and mesmerizing view. Bringing another prosperous year, full with wealth and joy! REFERENCE:  


      Our teacher taught us so many things that we will probably use in the future. We were tasked to create a community-based research, I didn't expect that I would be the leader of our group which is why I provoked my team mates and ask them why they chose me to guide them. I realized that I am really capable which is why I committed myself to do my best for our group.     During our research, several issues arrived which I managed to solve with the help of my team mates. I assigned them with separate tasks according to the capability of the individual. Whenever they are in need, I would assist them in fixing their anomaly's. I took the opportunity to showcase my ability as a student so that we could have our desired outcome. We sacrificed our skin, flesh and bones in order to complete the standards that the world pressured into us.      Overall, my ability to command was greatly improved and I could now manage my time when doing a specific task...

What We Managed to Accomplish During our Community-Based Research - THEMATIC OUTPUT

   The whole class was separated into several groups according to where they live. Our teacher then assigned different leaders and it was unfortunate for me to become one of them. Whoever suggested that I should be the one to handle the responsibilities was probably evil. At first, it was troublesome for me to assign my groupmates what they should do and what they shouldn't. I was so glad when Azaree took the initiative and managed to control the group from further chaos. Of course it was my obligation to take the initiative because I am their leader but its not appropriate to rely too much on myself and its necessary to accept help from someone. However, I didn't depend too much (as I should) and did what's best which is to provide further support and insights for our group.  We took pictures of ourselves to serve as a motivation to continue our tasks. We used the pictures for our team profile, by the way this is mine! (I was hideous, yeah I know)      ...


    Vigan city was established in the 16th century, it was the best preserved example of a planned Spanish colonial town here in Asia. Its architecture reflects the coming together of cultural elements from elsewhere in the Philippines, from the country of China and Europe which results in a culture and townscape that have no parallel anywhere in East and South-East Asia. Vigan has a exceptional beauty that attracts the eye of incoming visitors from the whole world. I nscribed on the World Heritage List in 1999, Vigan has been recognized as a model of best practices in World Heritage site management, at the occasion of the 40th  anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. The distinction will be officially announced and a certificate presented to the Mayor of Vigan, Ms. Eva Marie S. Medina, during the closing event of the celebrations of the 40th  anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in Kyoto, Japan, on 8 November.    Vigan as a municipality was g...


     T his year, I made a commitment to myself in order become better than my previous state. Because I want to achieve my ambition so that I could proceed to live a peaceful life. During new year's eve, I had a lot of fun because it was cheerful and lively, me and my cousin played boga at during night time  to celebrate the upcoming year and to drive away evil spirits and bad luck. It was a good sensation, the emitted heat from the boga satisfies my emotion and the eerie sound echoed through the plains, thank god it didn't explode at my hand.          D uring the countdown, we had a lot of fun! Playing numerous games that makes our family chuckle for a while. before 10' o clock, we begun to eat since we became hungry from playing too many games. We ate grahams, spaghetti, barbeque, and macaroni. The grahams was my favorite because it was so sweet and smooth, I also loved the barbeque because of its distinct taste, my least favorite was spagh...


     I did a lot of interesting stuff during our Christmas break that I could proudly present to everyone! By the way, happy new year to all of you and I hope that this year will bless us with wonderful memories that we would surely cherish forever.  During the Christmas season, I had a lot of fun while bonding with my relatives. Most of the time, we would play mobile legends which I had a hard time winning since my cousin doesn't really know how to play. Even if I loss a few stars, I was glad to play with him. (Not really)     D uring New Year, we played numerous games which was really fun because I win most of the games and got a ton of money from it. We played hep-hep hooray, trip to Jerusalem, and many more. But the most memorable of them all is pinoy henyo! I teamed up with my mother and we challenged our relatives. My sister had a difficult time with my other cousin since she couldn't say the proper word. They had a time of four minutes and thirty-tw...