My insights towards the lessons we learned during our ICT time

I didn't manage to do well last quarter but I pushed my limits and was determined to do necessary action so that my grades would skyrocket! B ut it wasn't that easy, even if I try'd so hard, I couldn't manage to fullfil some of their expectations. H owever, I never gave up, I want to be someone I could be proud of that is why I exceeded my limits and continue to strive for the better. I n this quarter, we learned how to code basic html tags that could help us in our growth as a student. A t first, it was difficult for me to code because I always commit mistakes by misplacing the tags used in our activities. It was a rough time since I don't excel at tech-based activities and would often ask my teacher on how to do it properly. B ut after a while, I get the hang of it and managed to do it properly and would help my seatmate John Paul whenever he is in need. But it doesn't change the fact that I was the one who corrupted our USB drive.....I swear! I...