T his year, I made a commitment to myself in order become better than my previous state. Because I want to achieve my ambition so that I could proceed to live a peaceful life. During new year's eve, I had a lot of fun because it was cheerful and lively, me and my cousin played boga at during night time to celebrate the upcoming year and to drive away evil spirits and bad luck. It was a good sensation, the emitted heat from the boga satisfies my emotion and the eerie sound echoed through the plains, thank god it didn't explode at my hand. D uring the countdown, we had a lot of fun! Playing numerous games that makes our family chuckle for a while. before 10' o clock, we begun to eat since we became hungry from playing too many games. We ate grahams, spaghetti, barbeque, and macaroni. The grahams was my favorite because it was so sweet and smooth, I also loved the barbeque because of its distinct taste, my least favorite was spagh...